Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Secrets... Continued

21. I love my toes.
22. I cheated in French class my Junior year... for every test.
23. I put fake plants in my hanging basket so I'd have color in November.
24. I don't always mop the wood floors under the sofa.
25. No one, including me, will ever know how much weight I gained for baby no. 2.
26. I'd pay anything to be cellulite free.
27. I can't wait to drink a cape cod, a really strong one.
28. I LOVE listening to the radio at full volume when I am in the car alone and the weather is nice.
29. My first CD was Meatloaf, Bat out of Hell.
30. I don't like to cook, espeically from scratch.
31. My favorite dessert is vanilla ice cream and chocolate cake.
32. I have been in love three times in my life.
33. I don't believe in love at first site.
34. I love giraffe's.
35. The sound trains make freaks me out.


  1. 32, 33 & 34 are my favorites! I have been in love two times in my life. I certainly don't believe in love at first sight. And giraffes are GREAT! reading this list makes me want to start one of my own on my blog. Thanks for the inspiration, now I've got something to do tomorrow. And by the way, just from reading your blog, I get the feeling we'd get along GREAT! lol

  2. Just found your blog and loving it!!!
