Sunday, September 2, 2012

And they're off...

Once again time has flown right on by! Madison started 3rd grade this year, Grace 1st grade and Cameron is PreK3!!! All three are loving school. Everyone kept asking if I cried on Cam's first day - he is the baby after all. Oddly enough I didn't. Not even after he practically jumped out of the car only looking back to give me a big ole wave goodbye! He actually started screaming "let me out" as Grace got out of the car. I guess he thought they were going to close the door before he could get out. More than sadness that he's growing up, I felt proud that he's secure and ready to take on school and new friends. I feel like all three of them know they are loved and cared for and supported. That feels good. Todd and I are blessed beyond words for the family and friends God has placed in our lives. They are equally as responsible for the goodness in our three kids.