Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thinking of Cameron...

My "work" day is done but I haven't left the office yet. No use in going home for 30 minutes, we have gynmastics tonight so I figured I'd write a little more.
While I have always had more male friends than female, the thought of having a boy scares me a little. I have twin sisters 10 years younger than myself, and two girls of my own. I've never raised a boy before and my husband isn't exactly trained so what does that tell you?! (haha)
Seriously though, everyone says boys are easier. They'll be less dramatic, less frilly and don't require as much as girls. But then again I was a Tomboy and my youngest is a Tomboy and neither account was less of anything when compared to girly-girl!
In just 43 days I'll be a mother of three! Two girls and a boy and I can't hlep wondering if I'll be good at it. Will Cameron love me as much as my girls. Will I be good at taking care of him and giving him what he needs, I was always so confident with Grace and Maddie.
Then there's dancing, gymnastics, basketball, t-ball? How do you fit it all in? I know people do it all of the time but seriously... do you have a secret power or even a secret addiction for that matter? Taking two kids to a restuarant is like a circus act, soon we'll be three! We should charge restuarants for having us over for entertainment.
I think about crazy stuff like how we're all going to fit in the car with all of our bags for vacations? How will we determine who sits in the far back seat of the car since I have bucket seats on the second row? The bathroom the kids share is very much designed for a girl... when do I have to change that to something nuetral? What will Todd do the first time Maddie and Grace dress Cam up in a fairy costume? He had no problem with Grace being spiderman for Halloween this year but he may think differently when the tables are turned.
How will yet another new family member effect Maddie? Will she be ok? Will she know how important she is and that there is no competition?
Two weddings to pay for, possibly three. Three sets of college tuition all within a few years of each other. Three first cars (used for sure!)... so much to think about!
And then theres.... the kids to love, teach and learn from. I love Maddie and Grace so much that I'm excited about meeting Cam and loving him just the same. I can't wait to see his face and his feet and his hands and especially his nose. Todd's nose is my favorite part of him and I wonder if Cam will have the same nose.
I guess in the end there is much to think about but there will also be so much more to love and so many more memories to make and cherish!


  1. Baby boys are so very special. Personally, I think they are more special when they come after two girls. :) I've been exactly where you are. Like you, I was really worried because all I had were girls. But it didn't take me long to come to terms with having a boy. Boys truly are easier. I believed I could never love another man more than I love my husband. And then I had my son. Oh, Kristie! The bond between a mother and her son is amazing. I can't explain it with words. Like you, I kind of freaked about some things. Like his "anatomy". "Things" would happen and I would yell for my husband or call the doctor and they would assure me that all was normal. The only thing that is still difficult for me is not making him too much of a "sissy". I want him to be strong and boyish but I want him to be soft and sweet too. I still haven't found a happy medium with that yet. Oh, I could go on and on. As a matter of face, I think I have a post or two on this subject if you look back far enough.

  2. hmmm.... gonna have to take a closer look at Todd's nose. ;)
