Tuesday, June 16, 2009

He brought me a bowl of popcorn but I wanted a back rub!

Sitting in the bathroom feeling sorry myself because I'm pregnant and Todd's not! My back really, really hurts and he's an idiot because he doesn't offer to rub it. I want flowers, I want flowers and a thank you for being pregnant and for bringing his first son into this world, the very first Lancon boy. I want to hear thank you, and I want my feet rubbed and I want a sweet note that says something only a good husband could say because he adored his wife. And my thoughts go on and on about how he just doesn't get it. I make my way to the sofa, Grace fell asleep (thank goodness because she was a pill tonight). He goes into the kitchen and later emerges with a bowl of popcorn just for me. I'm craving chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream, not salty popcorn. I politely decline and then think he's not so bad after all. Even though popcorn was the last thing I wanted, at least he thought about me! :)


  1. Hey Kristie,
    Just tell your husband what you want. I can't promise he will do what you want but at least he knows.
    By the way, I think you write very well! YOu also have a great sense of humor! Smile!
    We are on AMLM together. Take care. Many blessing with your new baby!

  2. Thanks Jeanie! And you're right! Hope you have a good day

  3. better yet.... get him to subscribe. :)
