Wake up. Yawn. Good Morning Grace. Pass Todd in kitchen. Wash face. Brush teeth. Put make-up on. Get dressed. Decide its a good morning because I knew exactly what I was going to wear and didnt have to change 3 times. Still mad at Todd. Passed him in the hall. Barely answered. Smile at Grace eating cereal. Put clothes in dryer. Make bed. Tell Grace to get the brush. Fold blankets. Clean up bathroom. Tell Grace to get the brush for the 8 th time. Remember that I'm a mom, a wife, a daughter, sister. Wow... Life happened. Stop to be thankful. Still mad at Todd. Grace driving me nuts because she doesnt want to brush her hair and still insists on wearing her big sisters shoes to school. Finally.... in the car on the way to school. Feel bad for losing temper with Grace. That kid is something else. Remember DVD that needs to be returned to Block Buster. Remember why I quit renting movies. Turn around and go home to get DVD. kiss and hug at the classroom door. Its a good morning. Wish Grace a good day. Baby is moving. I smile, a big smile. Wow... we're going to have a baby boy. I love Todd. Still mad at him though. Dr. Pepper and burrito from McDonalds $2.87. Got a small Dr. Pepper so I wouldnt feel so bad. Office is busy already. Mediation today. Good morning all. Secretary's day. Happy day to everyone. Thank you to everyone. Good job everyone. Move on with day. Remind self to return DVD. Pants are tight. Baby moves. Need small cup of coffee. Drink coffee and answer emails. I'm tired. Heart burn. Who the hell named it that? My throat is burning not my heart! I'm still tired. Jeez, I feel drained. Invoicing... not in the mood to work. Just want to sleep. Can't sleep. Too much to do. Remind self of things to be thankful for. Still not ready to like Todd again. Click off and on screen, day dream and ponder about life. Did I wake up here one day. It all went so fast. Grace is almost 4. Maddie is 5. Both in big girl school soon. New baby in the house soon. DIAPER BAGS all over again. Forgot about that part. Not so much fun although I did find a really cute one! A boy is going to be diffrent. Maddie was so easy and is so laid back. Grace is "spirited" i.e. spoiled and rotten! What will this little boy be like? Shit... little boy still doesnt have name. Need to get moving. Email to Todd reminding him that we need a boy name, a summer schedule and of all the stuff happening in May. Snap out of it. You're being paid to work, not organize your life. Baby is moving. I smile. I have my very own family. Wow. A family. Can't believe it. We're all growing up. Lacie will be married in 3 days. Dwayne finally proposed (I think it snowed in hell) Todd is having a baby. Lance is playing house and doesnt talk to anyone anymore. Yep, it's official. We're adults. It does feel good. I sometimes miss those days though. Friendship was so loyal and steady. Now we have to check our calendar to text each other. Oh well... thankful for the memories we made. Work. Lunch, home for a nap. Up. Drive back to office. Work. Surf. Work. Time to go. Hey Grace. Hi teacher. She did what!? Drive home. If you dont start listening no summer camp. Did I forget to read that book on parenting? I must have the cliff note version. Note to self: Child rearing book is needed re: 4 year old stubborn daughter - the cute kind with pretty eyes. Yep. We're going to have some long days. Look out pre-k. Home. Pregnancy is wearing me out. I'm big, bored and getting hungry again. I love you baby and I'm ready for you to be here. Call Todd. Doesnt answer so I decide not to apologize for being a bitch all day. Oh well. Next time. Todd calls back. Nevermind. Feel sorry for self because I'm big, hot and pregnant and while I am starving it is not for anything in this house! Company coming over today to swim. Is it too late to cancel. Nah - it'll be fine. Grace is really looking forward to it. Company comes. Kids play. I life the wife. She's easy to talk to. Order pizza. Kids play well actually. Todd forgot that two days ago he said he was not going to drink anymore until the baby was born since I couldnt drink. He drinks 3. I decide to let it go but know I really wont. Seriously self - deal with it. Bathe Grace. Bathe self. Todd and Grace passed out on sofa. So cute when they sleep. Frick and Frack if I do say so myself. Wish Maddie were here. She's curl up with me. She's the calm one although she's got a streak of her own too! In bed to watch TV. Nothing good on TV. I only like TV on Monday and Thursday. Decide to take ou the laptop. Surf Acadiana Moms page. Look at facebook page. Decide to check out myspace. Vent about day. Baby moving now. Smile. Smile again. Yep, I am blessed. Good nite.
Original post: 4/22/2009
I wish I had known you ad a blog sooner! This makes me feel like I'm not so far away. I won't miss you when I go home this week, I promise. It's too important to love the family that's not crazy ;)